Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Explore, Learn, Grow, Best Cycle!

I had one of the best conversations I have had for a while tonight! My uncle came to visit me for a little while, and although I am not sure how it got started, I am so happy it did. The question was brought up along the way was,
 "Do you know who you are?"
We went on about this question for a while. It would be hard for me to put it all in writing - we should have taped it LOL. It was just one of those types of conversations when you feel so in sync with the person that you almost don't want to stop talking. And the more and more that you talk, the more and more excited you get about the conversation. You finish each other's sentences and the word 'exactly!" keeps coming up :) I thought a few of the points we discussed were worth sharing.....
1) Most people are scared to ask themselves this question. They are content with dealing with the routine they have gotten themselves into. Deal with the status quo. Therefore, they end up in this 'rut' because they are afraid to explore who they really are. They are afraid to do the work, or they are afraid to see what is really in them.
2) Getting to know who you really are takes a lot of commitment, dedication, determination and strength.
3) Sometimes, in the journey of discovering who you really are you come across some past issues that you have buried deep and tried to make disappear. But through the journey you discover that they have held you back. Afraid to face them, you give up and take the easy way out.
4) Some, like most of us here, have the determination, dedication, drive and motivation to discover who we really are. This is the first step. What happens to us is that as we are in the process of discovering who we really are, we are changing as well. The more we read, the more we watch, the more we hear, the more we realize that the things that we thought were important to us really aren't. We start to appreciate the small things in life which makes us who we are.
5) At times, we go through the spiritual process and we explore so much about ourselves, we learn so much about ourselves, we grow so much that we think that we have grown as much as we could. But even then if that thought comes along your mind, the thought that you are done growing, then you will be in a rut as well.
You see if we go back to that question, "Do you know who you are?"
I think no one ever knows who they really are. I think that people are always changing. But 'changing' is meant to sound positive. We'll change that to everyone is/should always be growing. We should not ever stop learning about ourselves. We should never stop exploring our being. We should never stop growing.
What happens to a flower after it stops growing? Eventually it starts to deteriorate, right? So, why do some think its okay to stop growing? Why do some think its ok to get content with the routine? Why should people stop, after they achieve certain goals, to strive for more in life?
Not sure what the questions are to any of these questions. I am blessed that I have the drive, motivation, commitment, and ambition to continue my personal growth. I am grateful that I have the power within me to do so. I am grateful that I am able to surround myself with such positive people that support and encourage my growth!
Thank you all for your support! I wish you the best in life...growth, love, happiness and fulfillment! LOVE ALWAYS!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Red Room - 2011 Tapping World Summit

The Red Room - 2011 Tapping World Summit

Hello Everyone! I woud like to share with you this audio file I got from World Tapping Summit. It was really interesting and thought you might enjoy it.
I have not yet done tapping. I have a hard time trying to focus on a negative feeling, which is what you have to do when tapping. I did try it this evening and it really does put on in a different state of relaxation. Almost like when I meditate. I think it will be something that I might expirement with.
There was a reason The Law put this in front of me and it is my job to explore it and figure out what I am supposed to learn from it. I will keep you all posted with my experience with it.
Meanwhile, it would be awesome to hear any comments you might have about it.
I hope that you had a wonderful weekend, have an even greater week, and that your days are full of LOVE!!!! Thank you for your support! I really appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Don't take the wrong turn! Everything happens for a reason!

I have had such a long day today! I am exhausted! I am so blessed to be at home safe in my warm comfortable bed! Thank you God for getting me home safe after my long journey! I am so grateful that I have a warm, safe home to come back to! :)
I had to work out of town today about an hour away. Since I was only another half hour away from my Mom's house I decided to keep going a little away from home to visit her for a while. I turns out that extra half hour ended up taking me 1 hour and 20 minutes. In the middle of the freeway, traffic completely stopped. I was stuck within the same 10 miles for about an hour! There was no apparent reason for traffic jam, but the entire way I kept praying I hope everyone is okay. Turns out it must have been something very minor because out of no where the traffic just opened up and started speeding up. No accident, no roads being worked on, no one pulled over. It seemed as though traffic was stopped for NO apparent reason!!! But you know what.... I remembered a story that I will share with you. I posted it on FB a few months ago, and people could hardly beleive....
Laura Tabarez
Remember, everything always happens for a reason! Last night I had a dream a was in a car accident. This morning I couldn't find my keys. I remembered to not loose my cool and be patient as there is a reason for everything. On my way on I5 saw an accident. Thank you God for keeping me and my baby safe, and the wonderful way in which you work!!!
So, lesson learned.... tonight I kept my cool. Did not get upset that I was STUCK in traffic for what seemed like an eternity. No matter what roadblocks come our way...we have to remember everything happens for a reason. Just trust that the right things are happening to you at the right time :) My 2 hour trip ended up being almost a 4 hour trip. But I got to spend some time with my Mommy :) And, I am so blessed to have made it home safe! I am so grateful to be cozy in my bed, and to be able to get my rest :) Thank you God!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The key to Abundance!

I'm here with open arms! These blessing that you continue to put in my life are amazing. Love is so addicting!!!! Thank you God for everything!!!!!!!!!! I love to share all of my gratitude and hapiness with you! This feeling that the Universe continues to give me is so amazing!!!! I am TRULY grateful for it.
I woke up this morning and caught up a little on blogging. I found some great new inspirational videos to watch, did my intro video, which meant a lot for me. I was REALLY nervous! Thank you to those of you who showed me your support ;-) I appreciate it once again!
As I was getting ready for work I felt so accomplished, and my day had just started! I had a productive day at work. I took a break to go get some of my co-workers some gift cards for the wonderful job they have done, and sales they have gotten :) As I'm at the store, something told me to buy some lotto tickets again. And guess what???? I won! Again! I won on 3/5 tickets I bought. Total amounts were $16. Exciting!!!!! I feel like it's magic!!!!
I picked up my son and we got to do his valentine day treats for his classmates. I LOVE spending quality time with my son! He is just the best! I know every parent must say that, and they should :) He just makes me sooooo happy! That was the highlight of my day, sharing that time with my son. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you God for the opportunities to share so many wonderful memories with him!!!
Oh, let me not forget. I saw an amazing thing on my way to work! I don't know if you guys remember, but I have this thing about smiling to myself. I do it all the time! Most time people must think it's for no reason, but it's ALWAYS because of how truly happy and grateful I am. I try to be very aware of my surroundings, every minute of my life, attracting and absorbing all the love I can each minute. Well, anyway, on my way to work there must have been at least a thousand birds that flew over me as I was stopped at a stop sign. This was so AMAZING!!! It was like I could feel the freedom that each of those birds felt. It felt so inspiring!!!! That was also another highlight of my day :) I was so lost in the feeling, the person behind me had to honk at me.....LOL. I felt like saying, "Sorry, you should have been absorbing all this freedom and love as well!" But you know how that is, people are just to in a hurry sometimes to acknowledge and appreciate all the great thins happening each moment.
Well, off to my meditation before I get some rest. Thank you all soooo much for your support! I really appreciate each and every one of you! It such a good feeling to come back and share and hear about your manifestations! THANK YOU!!!
I wish you all an abundance of all of yor heart's desires!
p.s. if you ever buy lotto tickets (scratchers, I think I have a little trick down, let me know, I will share) But keep in mind, I don't buy these all the time, just when I have a good feeling and instinct about it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Age is nothing but a number!

It does not matter where you are in life. It does not matter what your circumstances are. It is never to early, never too late, never of any type of excuse to start manifesting the things you want in your life. All it takes is the strength to stay focused, the courage to beleive in yourself, and the love to keep giving.
In life people seem to always have excuses for why things don't get done. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough money. I have to work too much. I don't feel good. I got caught up. I am not sure. Well, what if.... and the list continues. Thing of it is that those things are not getting done because we may not have enough focus being put on that part of our lives. We don't realize that we can take charge. We can be accomplished and fulfilled each and every day. We all have it in us. We all have the power to make things happen in our lives. We all have the power to get things done. We all have the power to live a life full of purpose. A life full of love. An abundance of love, so that each and every one of our days, we can share it with the world, and by doing so making this world a better place.
I'd like to share with each of you an inspiring experience I had today. I hope that you can see, it doesn't matter where you are in life, what the circumstances are, how young you are, the law of attraction can work for you!!!! Here it goes....

Ny niece walks into my living room and asks, "What are you doing with all these old magazines?". There had been a pile of old magazines I had been using to cut out pictures to update my vision board. My son says, "They are for my Mommy's wish board! Do you know what that is? or do you have one already?"
My niece says, "No, I don't know what that is. Is it all those papers you have in your room?" (She's 9 by the way) So, he says, "Yeah, that's my teddy bear wish board. My Mom told me I could cut out pictures of things I wanted and we just put them up there! And it really works!!! We should make you one!" He grabs her hand an almost drags her into his room. He says, "See this one!" She responded, "Oh, I always wondered what that was."
I thought to myself, after I snapped out of my bubble of amazment, why did I not share this with her before????
But this was the best delivery/introduction I think she could have gotten. As they started going through magazines, my son started telling her stories of the things he had gotten. The DSI, the games, his snuggie, his bike, how he saw the snow... it was so amazing!!! He's telling her, how she has to make sure that she does good things. How, she can't be mean to her parents or anyone. Funny quote, "Even when you don't get what you want, you can't stay mad at them." Now that I think of it, this was definately a moment that should have been recorded, but the inspiration and memory will stay with me forever!

So you see, anyone can use the law of attraction! You just need to beleive in it. You don't need to understand how it happens! You just need to beleive in it, and start manifesting. Yes, it requires focus, dedication and most of all love! But, don't you want a life full of love, purpose and abundance???? Then stop with the excuses! Let's start manifesting!!!!! :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The power of love!

Have you ever wondered why if you are such a happy person, negative people or circumstances come into your life? They test you to your limits.They make you feel the low frequencies of life. But you are so positive! Why does this happen to you?

I wanted to share a bit of knowledge from The Power by Rhonda Byrne:

"One way to take the sting out of confrontational or difficult relationships is to imagine people as your own 'Personal Emotional Trainers'! The forsce of love presents you with a whole array of Personal Emotional Trainers, disguised as everyday peope, but they are all training you to choose love!"
"Personal Emotional Trainers can use allkinds of situations and tactics to challenge you, but the ting to remember is that every challange is presented so you will choose love and turn away from negativity and blame."

It's such a powerful message because it forces you to look at what might appear as negative situation/circumstance entirely different. It forces you to find the good in everything. Even when people might upset you, you see that they are making you choose love. The more you come accross these people or sitations, and the more you master the power of love, the stronger you will be at choosing love. Once you can choose to love everything around you, the power that you have for success will have no limits. You will be able to do, see, have whatever you want! Whatever you desire, you will have. The circumstances you want to appear in your life will appear.
So come on trainers! Let me show that I can choose love! I will choose love! Every minute in our lives we hace the power to choose love. So why not choose it, when it's the best feeling you could ever have?
I love it!!! I love the way that the law of attraction works!!! I am so grateful to have this book in my hands! I am so grateful that I can express my feelings! I hope that this helps someone out there :)
If you have not read the book yet, I strongly suggest you do. I do think I have a link for it on my page.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! Thank you for all the support! I wish each of you an abundance of love an joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

In a world where you might be around people that are negative all you can do is smile. As you smile you need to wish with your entire heart that the smile you have on your face will bring positivity into their lives. Then, little by little you are turning your surroundings into what you want them to be. And, of course, you want them to be positive! And even when they stay negative, what you need to do with your thoughts is tune them out. Do not get too involved with these people. Just wish and feel love for them. If you can't feel love for them, don't feel anything at all.

At some point you will learn to love everyone that you come accross! I know it sounds crazy for me to say this, but I am almost at that point. No matter how negative someone is all I can think of is, I LOVE! Even if it's the fact that I love that I am so blessed to have positivity in my life that I don't have to feel the way these people do. Even when these people might be so annoying, frustrating, whatever negative feeling they might be bringing to you.....PUSH IT AWAY. Because it will only bring YOU down. I'm serious! Sometimes I feel like saying, "Was it your goal today to make someone upset or frustrated? Because if it was, you are dealing with the wrong person."

(I don't mean to say "these people" as if I am better or anything. I just personally don't want to mention any specific names. I did have someone test me today. And I don't want to get to detailed about the person.)

I am so blessed that I had the patience to listen. Blessed that I have a heart so full of love that even when someone tries to bring me down, all I can do is find ways to bring that person up. I think that people who don't treat you right only do this because they don't know how to treat themselves. They don't know how to bring themselves to such a high point of hapiness that all they can do is wish the same for everyone else.

I think it is our job as such strong, motivated and positive thinkers to help bring happiness into their hearts as well. So the next time someone tries to push your buttons, make you upset, make you doubt yourself, try to find a way to make them happy. Yes, you might have to walk away for a minute, take a few deep breaths and clear your thoughts of all the negativity. But immediately after that, try to find something to change their energy to a positive vibe. They are only acting the way they do because someone pushed their buttons, or made them upset, or they doubt themselves, or they are unhappy. They are only acting how they feel. If we mirror their actions or let them get to us, then we are just creating a never ending cirlce of negativity.

This was my lesson learned today. I'm sure I'll learn another tomorrow :) I just thought that I would share with you all my feelings and thought process for the day. Also, I suggest that you guys try this, if you don't already :) I can bet that if you do this you will be suprised at the feeling that you create. Most of the them will even mirror you and your positivity, and that is the best feeling you can get. I would love to hear if you try this next time someone tries to push you into negative thoughts. This is such a powerful feeling for them and for you.

I wish smiles, love and tranquility! And as always, THANK YOU! for taking the time to read my blog. :)

Choose YOUR Story!

This injury is really painful! My head hurts all day long. I get sharp pains from the back of my neck all the way down my arms. Feels like a sharp needle being pressed down, deep and strong!!! At times, my face starts to feel numb, like a hundred little ants tingling me, which makes me feel unbalanced. I feel like I am carrying 100 pound weights on my shoulders every day. I still have to come to work, even though I was injured here!!!

Yes, I had an injury at work, yes I am having a really long work week. But this is NOT the story that I choose to tell!!! I refuse!!! I refuse to be consumed with these bad feelings because I know that if a choose to tell this story, only negative things will come my way. I choose the good things in my life. God only puts this situation in my life so that I can CHOOSE to receive what I really want, which is joy, health and hapiness. So, this is what I choose and I KNOW I a deserving of it.

I am so grateful for my current position in life! The fact of the matter is that I did get injured at work a few months ago. There is pain sometimes (more than than not). I can't focus on this, though. Every time I hurt is an opportunity to get better. The most important fact is that this injury has only given me an opportunity to get better and healthier. Emotionally, it has helped me appreciate everything so much more.Every time I feel pain, I take a deep breath and thank God for all this desire that I have for health and hapiness. I am so grateful for my employment, my family and friends, my lifestyle, my current financial state, and all the wonderful things that arrive each day!

When people that know about my injury as me how I am. I say, "I'm better!" Because, even though I may not be at my best, I REFUSE to say, "I'm not well." I choose to tell everyone a good story, because this is me, I AM BETTER. I don't focus about anything I don't feel good about. I change the coversation and start talking about all the good things in my life. I think this is a powerful tool to use. I find that when I start talking about all the good stuff going on in my life and all the things I am grateful for, I find myself lost in my own little world of joy! When I am in that state of joy, it's like an out of body experience. And when you are out of your body there is no way for you to feel any pain, because this is physical.

Anyhow, I will leave you guys with a little tool I started using these last few days, as they have been physically exhausting. On my daily to do list, I start out with an affirmation/or something I am grateful for. Here's an example:

1. Thank you God for placing me in such a loving environment where I can do my work.

2. Clean office.

3. Thank you God for my employment, the salary I earn and the friendly people I work with.

4. Update HR files.

5. Thank you God for keeping my head clear so that I can achieve my purpose in life.

6. Train on new sales pitches......etc,

7. .............................And so on and so on. You see the idea.

This helps me stay focused on the good, even when work might get a litte overwhelming. I continue to push myself to stay in the positive light. I choose to contine to feel love, every minute, every hour, every day. It's funny, sometimes people will walk by my office and ask, what I'm smiling about. I just smile because I can't help it! Love is so good!!!

Thank you again for reading this. I wish each you an abundance of health, love and joy!!!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Give and you shall receive!

It was completely unexpected. Both for her and for me! I think the level of excitement that we each felt was just as high. As I walked into the room, I felt so happy. She looked up at me unexpectadly, and said, "Oh, my God! How are you Laura?" I had not seen for her for at least 3 months. She looked so excited, happy, surprised and thankful to see me. I said, "I'm doing wonderful! Things are going great, and I am so happy! I kept thinking about you today, and since I drove near the school I decided to stop by and say Hi. I brought you these flowers because I am so thankful for you. It's just you know, you were always an inspiration to me and you helped me so much. I just wanted to say Thank You! :) How has everything been for you?" What she said next just floored me! I couldn't beleive it! And it just proved to me once again, how powerful the law of attraction really is! And her and I have never discussed my interest, or in any way, LOA!!!

You see, I had been thinking about one of my previous teachers all morning long. However, I had to be in the office all day because I had things to do so I thought I was not going to be able to see her today for sure! But, for some reason I could not stop thinking about her, the school, and my entire experience there. It made me really happy to think of such wonderful people. About 1:00 I got a phone call from work letting me know that I was going to have to make a drive to another location for a pick up. My old school was not too far from this location, and although I would be really pressing for time to get back to my location, something told me to go and say Hi. Along the way I saw a nice flower shop, and I thought, since things were not going the best for me at work, with external customers, that it would be really nice if I can bring hapiness to someone else. So, I decided to stop and buy her some flowers. I just felt like I really had to thank her for being in my life, she had made me so happy throughout the day just by thinking about her and my experiences with her and the school. I picked some beautiful flowers and when I bought them, all I could feel was love. Such and awesome feeling to know that you are going to put a smile on someone's face!

Ok, so you're thinking.....What did she say????

As I handed her the flowers, her eyes got watery. I said, "Oh, no! Is everything ok?" She looked at me and said, "You are so sweet! This is like perfect timing, I just read something that made me want to cry. And I thought I needed something nice. Thank you Laura these are so beautiful!'

Can you imagine the feeling??? I told her, "Well you see, something attracted me to you. I was brought here to put a smile on your face. Right when you needed it! :) You are an amazing person and you deserve to be happy."

I couldn't stay an chat for too long, as I needed to rush back to work. And either way, I don't think I would have asked her to get into detail, as it seemed personal. But I learned a powerful lesson. We are taught to go with our instinct. Most of us think that this means when it is about something that pertains to us. Or something that can benefit us directly only. For example, buy the car, get this book, choose this for dinner, make this investment decision, etc. But it is not only about us! We need to listen to our gut feeling and listen when we know we should do something nice for someone, just because. She really needed that lift at that moment. I attracted her to me, she attracted me to her (even though she might not have done it knowingly), and I gained a feeling of appreciation. Because the best feeling we can have is the love we can share with other people.

And, that is my lesson and experience for the day! Many more wonderful things to come! And thanks for reading my blog, I know sometimes they are really long. People say I talk too much....I guess write too much too. LOL. I wish you guys love and hapiness always!!!!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Allow Love into your life!!!

Isn't it just amazing???? So powerful!!! It makes you want to go out in front of thousands of people and just scream from the bottom of your lungs!!! You want to give everyone the same feeling! You want to scream, laugh, cry, but wait--- take a breath - you have to remind yourself. This feeling pierces into your heart like a hundred needles. It makes you get lost in this trance. It's almost like you are just lost in this world of pure bliss!!!! The color that you see is red - dominant, leading and strong like the love that rules your life! The sounds that you hear are waterfalls of the abundace that is pouring upon you like a never ending waterfall. As you look around you at the beautiful surroundings that we are blessed with, the air that we breath, the cold touch of the wind awakens you. And when that happens? You smile again!!! Because you soak up every ounce of being that is around you and within you. You take it! You welcome it! you are consumed with it! And naturally, and Of course you would want to share this with everyone!!!


This is what we shoud feel every day. Even when situations arise that might want to push you to the negative side, you need to find it. It is in you! It is in every one of our souls. Why would you not want to take it and run with it, when it's the most amazing feeling you've ever had. You deserve it, right? So allow it! Welcome it! Be grateful for it! Give it!

I had an amazing convesation today with one of my closest friends! The love was pouring from each of our souls! I can only hope that every day, every one is as blessed to have such an amazing feeling.

And with love comes joy, abundace, and manifestations. One more story on the subject of manifestations.....

I cut out a picture of a dining room set I wanted. It was priced at $699. Really cute, basic, but cute! Perfect for what I had in mind. I cut it out and put it on my vision board. Every time I walked by my vision board, or my dining room, or any area near my dining room, or I saw a furniture add or picture, I pictured and felt like I already had the one I wanted. I just got an email with the add price for $399. Additionally, I got another e-mail as club member, I get 20% off ths weekend only! This makes it to $319!!! In less than 2 weeks this made it entirely within my reach! Ididn't sit around and say , "well, I'll wait till it goes on sale, or I can't afford it, or I'll wait to shop for a less expensive one." I knew that I was going to get it anyway, I felt like I already had it. I released it, I trusted and I was grateful for it! Therefore, the universe gave me exactly what I felt!!! Thank you!!! Thank you God for allowing me to notice and feel the gratitude and love I feel each and every day!!!

yeah! to my new dining set, I will have it in my home on Friday!

I wish you all the best. An abundant life! A life full of Love. There are many things throughout the day that you can do to feel this way! I am here to help. I am here to listen. I am here! Please post any comments or questions! Let the universe help you with the tools you need to have an abundant life!!!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The SecretThe Secret: The PowerThe Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
I will post every day. My goal is to motivate at least one person per day. I would love to help out the world, even if it is by people learning from my journey. I hope to inspire people to be the best they can be, just as others have inspired me. I will paste my first blog from my '100 Day Reality Challange' below to give you an idea of what I am doing. My hopes are that with this blog, I can reach out to thousands of people so that we together can connect and make this world a better place through our positive thoughts and our love. My grammar is not the best and this is my first experience with blogging, but the sky is the limit, right? Please feel free to ask any it goes...

Hi Everyone! I am so excited to start this challange!!! I am a strong believer in the law of attraction. The first thing I do every day when I wake is is Give Thanks for everything in my life. As get up and start my daily routine I'm already visualizing the wonderful day that I am going to have. I know that this will be such an amazing journey! Thank you all for taking the time to read this blog. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I will give you a very small summary of my background and experiences.

People throughout my life have told me that it seemed as though I had everything I wanted in my life. Things such as, "you're so lucky!," or "you get everything you want in your life!." And, I really felt this way! Even when I would have experiences that others viewed as a negative one, I would seem so put together and some would even say I was 'faking' my feelings. However, they looked up to me fo my courage and strength. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Therefore, my job is to find out what the reason is. What am I supposed to learn from this? What can I gain? What can I teach someone? How can I hep? This is how I would deal with these situations, but I could never explain how I FELT about life.

It was such an awakening feeling the first time that I watched the movie, The Secret, a couple of years ago. They connected everything in my life for me. Everything started making sense and fell into place. Several of times during the movie I would get chills down my spine, my smile would grow from ear to ear, and I felt the love flow through my entire body. I felt so confident and energized to live and take control of my life. For years I tried to explain to people in my life the reasons why I believed I had all these blessings. But, I just couldn't find a way to put it into words. I would just describe it as, "Well, I just put my heart into it." However, rarely anybody understood what I meant. So many steps in the movie were things that I had done all my life without even knowing what I was doing. This was such a powerful moment for me because I realized that I was doing the right things in life and this allowed me to be able to control my life that much easier.

Now, I am comfortable explaining to everyone how I beleive I attract all these blessings I have in my life. I constantly look for ways in which I improve and bring more love into my life. Among the many things I do such as, journaling, visualising, meditate, affirmations, and reading, There is one thing that I do the most, which is the core of everything. I LOVE. I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF MY LIFE!!! No matter what is going on my life, I find the things in my life for which I feel love. This is such an amazing feeling!!!

During the next 100 days I hope to continue living a life full of LOVE. I know that by doing this, I will attract a richer purpose of life. I will attract emotional and financial freedom. I know that with all of the current blessings that I have attracted in my life, I will definately have an abundane of all of my wishes. I am grateful that I came accross this website! I am excited and grateful for all the positive relationships this challange will bring to me. Thanks to all for your support!!!

I wish you all the hapiness and love in the world! Please do not hesitat to give any opinions, questions, comments! You're help is greatly appreciated :)