Saturday, January 29, 2011

In a world where you might be around people that are negative all you can do is smile. As you smile you need to wish with your entire heart that the smile you have on your face will bring positivity into their lives. Then, little by little you are turning your surroundings into what you want them to be. And, of course, you want them to be positive! And even when they stay negative, what you need to do with your thoughts is tune them out. Do not get too involved with these people. Just wish and feel love for them. If you can't feel love for them, don't feel anything at all.

At some point you will learn to love everyone that you come accross! I know it sounds crazy for me to say this, but I am almost at that point. No matter how negative someone is all I can think of is, I LOVE! Even if it's the fact that I love that I am so blessed to have positivity in my life that I don't have to feel the way these people do. Even when these people might be so annoying, frustrating, whatever negative feeling they might be bringing to you.....PUSH IT AWAY. Because it will only bring YOU down. I'm serious! Sometimes I feel like saying, "Was it your goal today to make someone upset or frustrated? Because if it was, you are dealing with the wrong person."

(I don't mean to say "these people" as if I am better or anything. I just personally don't want to mention any specific names. I did have someone test me today. And I don't want to get to detailed about the person.)

I am so blessed that I had the patience to listen. Blessed that I have a heart so full of love that even when someone tries to bring me down, all I can do is find ways to bring that person up. I think that people who don't treat you right only do this because they don't know how to treat themselves. They don't know how to bring themselves to such a high point of hapiness that all they can do is wish the same for everyone else.

I think it is our job as such strong, motivated and positive thinkers to help bring happiness into their hearts as well. So the next time someone tries to push your buttons, make you upset, make you doubt yourself, try to find a way to make them happy. Yes, you might have to walk away for a minute, take a few deep breaths and clear your thoughts of all the negativity. But immediately after that, try to find something to change their energy to a positive vibe. They are only acting the way they do because someone pushed their buttons, or made them upset, or they doubt themselves, or they are unhappy. They are only acting how they feel. If we mirror their actions or let them get to us, then we are just creating a never ending cirlce of negativity.

This was my lesson learned today. I'm sure I'll learn another tomorrow :) I just thought that I would share with you all my feelings and thought process for the day. Also, I suggest that you guys try this, if you don't already :) I can bet that if you do this you will be suprised at the feeling that you create. Most of the them will even mirror you and your positivity, and that is the best feeling you can get. I would love to hear if you try this next time someone tries to push you into negative thoughts. This is such a powerful feeling for them and for you.

I wish smiles, love and tranquility! And as always, THANK YOU! for taking the time to read my blog. :)


  1. Thank you for the reminder Love! It is very obvious that you are incredibly aware that people lash out usually because they are in a state of fear. Fear is at root of all anger. All everyone ever wants is to be loved and know their own goodness....but they forget this at times when they are not in alignment with their highest selves. Their fear causes them to make others wrong. How wonderful that you moved through this so gracefully. How wonderful that you are "choosing" to do it differently. Nelson Mandela refused to stay angry at his captors, explaining that to do so would keep him imprisoned for life. I think of him, Mother Theresa, and others like them when faced with a choice of anger or love toward someone who is being unkind to me. Now, LOVE wins every time.

  2. Thank you for your support Elise! It means so much!
