Thursday, January 27, 2011

Give and you shall receive!

It was completely unexpected. Both for her and for me! I think the level of excitement that we each felt was just as high. As I walked into the room, I felt so happy. She looked up at me unexpectadly, and said, "Oh, my God! How are you Laura?" I had not seen for her for at least 3 months. She looked so excited, happy, surprised and thankful to see me. I said, "I'm doing wonderful! Things are going great, and I am so happy! I kept thinking about you today, and since I drove near the school I decided to stop by and say Hi. I brought you these flowers because I am so thankful for you. It's just you know, you were always an inspiration to me and you helped me so much. I just wanted to say Thank You! :) How has everything been for you?" What she said next just floored me! I couldn't beleive it! And it just proved to me once again, how powerful the law of attraction really is! And her and I have never discussed my interest, or in any way, LOA!!!

You see, I had been thinking about one of my previous teachers all morning long. However, I had to be in the office all day because I had things to do so I thought I was not going to be able to see her today for sure! But, for some reason I could not stop thinking about her, the school, and my entire experience there. It made me really happy to think of such wonderful people. About 1:00 I got a phone call from work letting me know that I was going to have to make a drive to another location for a pick up. My old school was not too far from this location, and although I would be really pressing for time to get back to my location, something told me to go and say Hi. Along the way I saw a nice flower shop, and I thought, since things were not going the best for me at work, with external customers, that it would be really nice if I can bring hapiness to someone else. So, I decided to stop and buy her some flowers. I just felt like I really had to thank her for being in my life, she had made me so happy throughout the day just by thinking about her and my experiences with her and the school. I picked some beautiful flowers and when I bought them, all I could feel was love. Such and awesome feeling to know that you are going to put a smile on someone's face!

Ok, so you're thinking.....What did she say????

As I handed her the flowers, her eyes got watery. I said, "Oh, no! Is everything ok?" She looked at me and said, "You are so sweet! This is like perfect timing, I just read something that made me want to cry. And I thought I needed something nice. Thank you Laura these are so beautiful!'

Can you imagine the feeling??? I told her, "Well you see, something attracted me to you. I was brought here to put a smile on your face. Right when you needed it! :) You are an amazing person and you deserve to be happy."

I couldn't stay an chat for too long, as I needed to rush back to work. And either way, I don't think I would have asked her to get into detail, as it seemed personal. But I learned a powerful lesson. We are taught to go with our instinct. Most of us think that this means when it is about something that pertains to us. Or something that can benefit us directly only. For example, buy the car, get this book, choose this for dinner, make this investment decision, etc. But it is not only about us! We need to listen to our gut feeling and listen when we know we should do something nice for someone, just because. She really needed that lift at that moment. I attracted her to me, she attracted me to her (even though she might not have done it knowingly), and I gained a feeling of appreciation. Because the best feeling we can have is the love we can share with other people.

And, that is my lesson and experience for the day! Many more wonderful things to come! And thanks for reading my blog, I know sometimes they are really long. People say I talk too much....I guess write too much too. LOL. I wish you guys love and hapiness always!!!!


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