Sunday, January 30, 2011

The power of love!

Have you ever wondered why if you are such a happy person, negative people or circumstances come into your life? They test you to your limits.They make you feel the low frequencies of life. But you are so positive! Why does this happen to you?

I wanted to share a bit of knowledge from The Power by Rhonda Byrne:

"One way to take the sting out of confrontational or difficult relationships is to imagine people as your own 'Personal Emotional Trainers'! The forsce of love presents you with a whole array of Personal Emotional Trainers, disguised as everyday peope, but they are all training you to choose love!"
"Personal Emotional Trainers can use allkinds of situations and tactics to challenge you, but the ting to remember is that every challange is presented so you will choose love and turn away from negativity and blame."

It's such a powerful message because it forces you to look at what might appear as negative situation/circumstance entirely different. It forces you to find the good in everything. Even when people might upset you, you see that they are making you choose love. The more you come accross these people or sitations, and the more you master the power of love, the stronger you will be at choosing love. Once you can choose to love everything around you, the power that you have for success will have no limits. You will be able to do, see, have whatever you want! Whatever you desire, you will have. The circumstances you want to appear in your life will appear.
So come on trainers! Let me show that I can choose love! I will choose love! Every minute in our lives we hace the power to choose love. So why not choose it, when it's the best feeling you could ever have?
I love it!!! I love the way that the law of attraction works!!! I am so grateful to have this book in my hands! I am so grateful that I can express my feelings! I hope that this helps someone out there :)
If you have not read the book yet, I strongly suggest you do. I do think I have a link for it on my page.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! Thank you for all the support! I wish each of you an abundance of love an joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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