Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The key to Abundance!

I'm here with open arms! These blessing that you continue to put in my life are amazing. Love is so addicting!!!! Thank you God for everything!!!!!!!!!! I love to share all of my gratitude and hapiness with you! This feeling that the Universe continues to give me is so amazing!!!! I am TRULY grateful for it.
I woke up this morning and caught up a little on blogging. I found some great new inspirational videos to watch, did my intro video, which meant a lot for me. I was REALLY nervous! Thank you to those of you who showed me your support ;-) I appreciate it once again!
As I was getting ready for work I felt so accomplished, and my day had just started! I had a productive day at work. I took a break to go get some of my co-workers some gift cards for the wonderful job they have done, and sales they have gotten :) As I'm at the store, something told me to buy some lotto tickets again. And guess what???? I won! Again! I won on 3/5 tickets I bought. Total amounts were $16. Exciting!!!!! I feel like it's magic!!!!
I picked up my son and we got to do his valentine day treats for his classmates. I LOVE spending quality time with my son! He is just the best! I know every parent must say that, and they should :) He just makes me sooooo happy! That was the highlight of my day, sharing that time with my son. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you God for the opportunities to share so many wonderful memories with him!!!
Oh, let me not forget. I saw an amazing thing on my way to work! I don't know if you guys remember, but I have this thing about smiling to myself. I do it all the time! Most time people must think it's for no reason, but it's ALWAYS because of how truly happy and grateful I am. I try to be very aware of my surroundings, every minute of my life, attracting and absorbing all the love I can each minute. Well, anyway, on my way to work there must have been at least a thousand birds that flew over me as I was stopped at a stop sign. This was so AMAZING!!! It was like I could feel the freedom that each of those birds felt. It felt so inspiring!!!! That was also another highlight of my day :) I was so lost in the feeling, the person behind me had to honk at me.....LOL. I felt like saying, "Sorry, you should have been absorbing all this freedom and love as well!" But you know how that is, people are just to in a hurry sometimes to acknowledge and appreciate all the great thins happening each moment.
Well, off to my meditation before I get some rest. Thank you all soooo much for your support! I really appreciate each and every one of you! It such a good feeling to come back and share and hear about your manifestations! THANK YOU!!!
I wish you all an abundance of all of yor heart's desires!
p.s. if you ever buy lotto tickets (scratchers, I think I have a little trick down, let me know, I will share) But keep in mind, I don't buy these all the time, just when I have a good feeling and instinct about it.

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