Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Age is nothing but a number!

It does not matter where you are in life. It does not matter what your circumstances are. It is never to early, never too late, never of any type of excuse to start manifesting the things you want in your life. All it takes is the strength to stay focused, the courage to beleive in yourself, and the love to keep giving.
In life people seem to always have excuses for why things don't get done. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough money. I have to work too much. I don't feel good. I got caught up. I am not sure. Well, what if.... and the list continues. Thing of it is that those things are not getting done because we may not have enough focus being put on that part of our lives. We don't realize that we can take charge. We can be accomplished and fulfilled each and every day. We all have it in us. We all have the power to make things happen in our lives. We all have the power to get things done. We all have the power to live a life full of purpose. A life full of love. An abundance of love, so that each and every one of our days, we can share it with the world, and by doing so making this world a better place.
I'd like to share with each of you an inspiring experience I had today. I hope that you can see, it doesn't matter where you are in life, what the circumstances are, how young you are, the law of attraction can work for you!!!! Here it goes....

Ny niece walks into my living room and asks, "What are you doing with all these old magazines?". There had been a pile of old magazines I had been using to cut out pictures to update my vision board. My son says, "They are for my Mommy's wish board! Do you know what that is? or do you have one already?"
My niece says, "No, I don't know what that is. Is it all those papers you have in your room?" (She's 9 by the way) So, he says, "Yeah, that's my teddy bear wish board. My Mom told me I could cut out pictures of things I wanted and we just put them up there! And it really works!!! We should make you one!" He grabs her hand an almost drags her into his room. He says, "See this one!" She responded, "Oh, I always wondered what that was."
I thought to myself, after I snapped out of my bubble of amazment, why did I not share this with her before????
But this was the best delivery/introduction I think she could have gotten. As they started going through magazines, my son started telling her stories of the things he had gotten. The DSI, the games, his snuggie, his bike, how he saw the snow... it was so amazing!!! He's telling her, how she has to make sure that she does good things. How, she can't be mean to her parents or anyone. Funny quote, "Even when you don't get what you want, you can't stay mad at them." Now that I think of it, this was definately a moment that should have been recorded, but the inspiration and memory will stay with me forever!

So you see, anyone can use the law of attraction! You just need to beleive in it. You don't need to understand how it happens! You just need to beleive in it, and start manifesting. Yes, it requires focus, dedication and most of all love! But, don't you want a life full of love, purpose and abundance???? Then stop with the excuses! Let's start manifesting!!!!! :)

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