Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Explore, Learn, Grow, Best Cycle!

I had one of the best conversations I have had for a while tonight! My uncle came to visit me for a little while, and although I am not sure how it got started, I am so happy it did. The question was brought up along the way was,
 "Do you know who you are?"
We went on about this question for a while. It would be hard for me to put it all in writing - we should have taped it LOL. It was just one of those types of conversations when you feel so in sync with the person that you almost don't want to stop talking. And the more and more that you talk, the more and more excited you get about the conversation. You finish each other's sentences and the word 'exactly!" keeps coming up :) I thought a few of the points we discussed were worth sharing.....
1) Most people are scared to ask themselves this question. They are content with dealing with the routine they have gotten themselves into. Deal with the status quo. Therefore, they end up in this 'rut' because they are afraid to explore who they really are. They are afraid to do the work, or they are afraid to see what is really in them.
2) Getting to know who you really are takes a lot of commitment, dedication, determination and strength.
3) Sometimes, in the journey of discovering who you really are you come across some past issues that you have buried deep and tried to make disappear. But through the journey you discover that they have held you back. Afraid to face them, you give up and take the easy way out.
4) Some, like most of us here, have the determination, dedication, drive and motivation to discover who we really are. This is the first step. What happens to us is that as we are in the process of discovering who we really are, we are changing as well. The more we read, the more we watch, the more we hear, the more we realize that the things that we thought were important to us really aren't. We start to appreciate the small things in life which makes us who we are.
5) At times, we go through the spiritual process and we explore so much about ourselves, we learn so much about ourselves, we grow so much that we think that we have grown as much as we could. But even then if that thought comes along your mind, the thought that you are done growing, then you will be in a rut as well.
You see if we go back to that question, "Do you know who you are?"
I think no one ever knows who they really are. I think that people are always changing. But 'changing' is meant to sound positive. We'll change that to everyone is/should always be growing. We should not ever stop learning about ourselves. We should never stop exploring our being. We should never stop growing.
What happens to a flower after it stops growing? Eventually it starts to deteriorate, right? So, why do some think its okay to stop growing? Why do some think its ok to get content with the routine? Why should people stop, after they achieve certain goals, to strive for more in life?
Not sure what the questions are to any of these questions. I am blessed that I have the drive, motivation, commitment, and ambition to continue my personal growth. I am grateful that I have the power within me to do so. I am grateful that I am able to surround myself with such positive people that support and encourage my growth!
Thank you all for your support! I wish you the best in life...growth, love, happiness and fulfillment! LOVE ALWAYS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. hi there - great blog! I found your blog from CCOR through my friend Adriana's page.

    Would love it if you could check out my 'Reflections on a Dream' blog too and let me know what you think?

    I'm jassydevil on CCOR too :)

    Much love,

    Jazz x
